Friday, July 3, 2009

Funny Things, But Sad Too...

I don't really like it when people email me in association with everyone they know to tell me about the funniest thing they've ever seen for the moment, but here's this.

Its from a website where they guy digitally removes Garfield from the comics. It makes Garfield funny, but also changes the focus to how sad John's life is. What's worse is that as I was laughing uncontrolably I started to realize how much like John I am becoming, just with the dignity not to get a cat to assuage my loneliness. Funny.

There was this site too, to which people send awkward family photos. It had this lovely picture.


Laura said...

My stomach hurts from laughing at the family photo. Umm... one of these things is not like the other...

Cami said...

I like the closet rod with random empty hangers in the middle of the living room.

Cami said...

Uh, it's a little weird that Laura and I commented at the exact same time.

Laura said...

Especially since we are not even together. Just in case you missed it: