Saturday, July 4, 2009

The 4th of What?

So I didn't realize it was the 4th of July, but their are a lot of fireworks going off, so I kind of figured it out.

Anyway, here is a Google SketchUp of the house I might have bought. Where this is a short sale the bank has to approve the price the sellers have accepted. I don't know how long that will take. It could well be 6 months where I wait patiently and they finally say no. Not fun.

So, this is done from memory, but I think it's pretty close. I could be a little off on the size of the rooms, but I'm correct on the square footage of the house. The main floor is 696 sq. ft, and there's a dug out shelf basment that is big enough for laundry and a little storage.

This upper floor is about a hundred or a hundred and fifty square feet bigger than my apartment, but it actually feels smaller because of the way its laid out. If you have any ideas on how to fix it let me know.

Watching the videos that Nathan and Miriam sent of their new house kind of makes me embarassed. I'm realizing more as I've been trying to buy a house how much money I don't make. As it is this would be totally impossible if I were trying to support a family.

I watched the pilot on Hulu of a new show coming next season called Glee about a teacher who takes over his school's glee club. The big conflict in the episode is his wife telling him she's pregnant, and he decides he has to grow up and get a real job, so he gives the school his two weeks notice. A bit to close for me.

The truth is that most of the teachers in my school have second jobs or spouses who bring home the bacon.

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